Florida Supercon Crew

Hey There!

Thanks for your interest in Supercon Crew!

What does the Supercon Crew do?

The Supercon Crew works all over the Show to help support Supercon Staff, exhibitors, guests, artists and most importantly the fans. As a member of Supercon Crew you could be doing anything from helping out at the Main Stage, keeping a watchful eye on the Show Floor lines, or even simply putting on a smile and greeting everyone in the busy morning queues as they eagerly await the opening of Supercon each day.

What do I get if I join the Supercon Crew?

All accepted members of Supercon Crew will receive a free badge to attend Supercon whenever they are not working, a t- shirt to let everyone know that you are part of the Supercon Crew Team, minimum wage pay for your hours worked, and most importantly, the sense of being a huge part of something special and playing a big part in everyone’s great time!

Applications for Supercon 2025

Join us at Supercon, July 18-20