Aisles & Gangways

No sign or decorative materials may protrude into the aisles or encroach upon neighboring booths. No obstruction may be placed in any aisle, passageways, lobby, or exit leading to any fire extinguishing appliances.



Exhibitors cannot distribute literature, samples, or other material outside of their contracted exhibit space.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Outside food and beverages, including alcohol, will not be permitted into the MBCC for personal consumption.



The taking of illicit drugs is strictly forbidden at all times.



State of Florida Constitution’s Article X Section 20 prohibits the use of vapor-generating electronic devices in enclosed indoor workplaces. Smoking is prohibited inside the venue and in the immediate vicinity of portals which allow entrance into the venue. The MBCC strictly enforced this policy.

Animals at the Convention Center

Animals are not permitted on the MBCC premises except in conjunction with an approved exhibit or in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Animals that are approved to be on the convention center premises must be on a leash, within a pen, or other approved confinement.

Animals that are approved to be on the premises must meet the following guidelines:



Service Animals are always welcome. Under American Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, a “service animal” is any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals (except miniature horses), whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals.

The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks
  • alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds
  • providing non-violent protection or rescue work
  • pulling a wheelchair
  • assisting an individual during a seizure
  • alerting individuals to the presence of allergens
  • retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone
  • providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities helping individuals with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors

The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well- being, comfort, or companionship are not considered work or tasks for purposes of the definition of a service animal.


The MBCC prohibits the use of helium-filled balloons and/or blimps for displays, exhibits or giveaways. Helium balloons and blimps may cause a public safety hazard when they rise to the ceiling and interact with the lighting, fire sensors and/or electrical system. The Licensee is responsible for all equipment and labor cost in retrieving all helium balloons. Helium balloons should be properly disposed of. Helium balloons may not be released outside, due to airport flight patterns in the area and environmental concerns.

Balloon drops are prohibited. Static air-filled balloons may be used for decoration. The Licensee and the MBCC EM must approve the use of all balloons.


In accordance with display rules and regulations and security measures, no one under the age of 18 will be admitted in the exhibit hall during move-in or move-out. There will be no exceptions. Children of any age are admitted during Show hours on Show Days ONLY; during that time, those 6 or over must be badged.

For security reasons, children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Cleaning, Hygiene & Waste

Please refer here

Demonstrations, High Risk Activities & Sound Levels


Demonstration areas must be confined within the exhibit space so as not to interfere with any traffic in the aisles. Exhibitors must contract sufficient space to be able to comply with this rule. When large crowds gather to watch a demonstration and interfere with the flow of traffic down the aisles or create excessive crowds at neighboring booths, it is an infringement on the rights of other exhibitors. Aisles may not be obstructed at any time.



All high risk activities not prohibited by other sections of these regulations require approval of Center management at least 30 days in advance. Show management is responsible for ascertaining that there are no exclusions or limitations in their insurance policy that apply. Such activities include but are not limited to motorized sporting events, acrobatic stunts, mechanical amusement devices and audience participation in athletic activities.



Sound level of presentation should be kept within the confines of the booth area and must not interfere with neighboring exhibits. Show Management will exercise their right to provide and maintain a fair exhibiting environment to all customers. Excessive sound can be offensive and distracting. Each Exhibitor is entitled to an atmosphere that is conducive to conducting business, without excess noise from other Exhibitors. Any audio equipment (i.e., sound system, audio from a video wall, microphones), whether in the booth or as part of a display, may not exceed a sound level of eighty-five (85) decibels.

Florida Supercon will be sensitive and responsive to complaints registered by spectators, neighboring Exhibitors, or other personnel, and will have appointees to respond to all complaints.


Please remember that you are responsible for rectifying any damage caused to the fabric of the Exhibition buildings, by you, your agents or contractors. In your own interests, you should satisfy yourselves as to the condition of your stand site before the building of your stand and after its clearance. It is essential to use a recognised adhesive tape when fixing any carpet directly to the hall floor as all carpet tape must be removed at the end of the exhibition. The correct tape can be purchased from the Organising office onsite at the exhibition. Any charges incurred by the organisers as a result of failure to remove carpet/carpet tape will be passed onto the exhibitor. The stand space must be completely clear and clean by the end of the dismantling period. Any waste left behind is subject to a charge.

Disabled Access & Parking

The MBCC has approximately 800 on-site public parking spaces on the property. There are other municipal parking areas within a comfortable walking distance from the Miami Beach Convention Center.


Parking for all vehicles is available at the Convention Center parking garage locations on 17th Street and 18th Street, one block from this Facility as well as the Convention Center Garage on 20th and Washington Avenue. Attendee parking is currently $20.00 per day, subject to space availability and charged at the prevailing rates. Valet parking is available at the prevailing rates. Location of valet will be determined with the Event Manager. Please review the history of previous attendance with the Event Manager in order to better anticipate parking needs.

  • Parking (Disability-Accessible) - N/C with I.D.#
  • Parking (Attendees and Exhibitors) - $20.00/day (no in/out privileges)

For more details on parking, please click here.

Drones / UAV / RPAS

Drones / Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) / Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Remotely Piloted Aircraft/Drone is defined as a “powered aerial vehicle which cannot carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift and can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely”. The following are requirements for utilizing UAV/RPA/Drone:

Operating on the interior and/or exterior of MBCC campus must have approval from the MBCC.

Casual or recreational use of aircraft is strictly prohibited at the MBCC.

Recording an event requires additional approval from Show Management and the MBCC.

Must have a valid copy of FAA Small Unmanned Aircraft System Certificate or Aircraft Registration/ Proof of Ownership.

Certificate of Insurance from equipment operator to cover potential damages to MBCC property. Miami Beach Convention Center must be listed as “Additional Insured.”

Fly area zone must be contained within the Licensee’s contracted space.

Must maintain at least 15’ clearance from any person or structural aspects of the facility.

Must always be within the operator’s visual line of sight at all times.

  • Flights are limited to no more than an hour daily.
  • Weighs less than 10lbs including payloads (i.e. on-board camera)
  • All documentations must be received and approved by the MBCC at least 14 days prior.

Facility Lighting

Exhibit Halls all have High Output T5 Florescent Lights with instant illumination. Work lights (50% power) are provided in the exhibit halls for move-in and move-out.

In an effort to conserve energy, lighting outside and around the perimeter of the MBCC is turned off two (2) hours after the close of an event and turned on (if necessary) one (1) hour prior to event opening.

Fire & Safety Regulations

The City of Miami Beach Fire Marshal is authorized by Florida Statutes and the Florida Fire Prevention Code to ensure fire and life safety for the public. Conventions, trade shows and exhibits are reviewed for compliance with the requirements of NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, as adopted by Florida Administrative Law, State Fire Marshal’s Rules and Regulations Chapter 693 and the Florida Fire Prevention Code. Additional technical codes and standards may apply to specific events.

Licensee, exhibitors, and general service contractors must comply with all federal, state and local fire regulations and building codes that apply to places of public assembly. Firefighting and emergency equipment, including fire extinguishers, strobes, fire hose cabinets and standpipes, may not be hidden, blocked or obstructed. All emergency exits, hallways and aisles leading from the MBCC must be kept clear and unobstructed. Fire lanes must be always clear and open.

Please refer here.

First Aid & Accidents

First Aid will be available onsite. If you require medical attention, please contact the Organisers Office or any member of the exhibition team.

All accidents and near-misses must be reported to the Organisers via the Organsiers' Office, Floor Managers, of Health & Safety Officers.

PA System

The Public Address system is for use of the Organiser and Authorities only. Only official and emergency messages will be broadcast, any requests for information to be announced will be refused.

Patents & Copyright

By entering into an agreement to attend this exhibition you warrant to RX Global that all designs and artwork on or relating to your stand and any exhibits and items displayed on your stand shall not infringe any trademarks or copyright or patents or other intellectual property rights of any third party in any way.

In the event that the exhibition is under any legal obligation (whether by virtue of a court injunction or order or judgement or a recommendation or decision of a Trading Standards Officer or otherwise) to have removed either any item or items displayed on your stand or any design or artwork on or relating to your stand then (without prejudice to any other rights which RX Global may have) RX Global reserves the right to assist the relevant authorities and where appropriate to have that item or items removed from your stand or to close your stand at the exhibition. No compensation or damages will be payable as a result of such removal or closure by RX Global.

The Organisers cannot accept responsibility for any conflict of trading at the Exhibition.

Please be advised that it is an offence under Section 107 (3) of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1998 to screen films in public without a non-theatrical licence. For further advice on copyright, please contact Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT).


If any copyrighted music is to be played in your booth, you must obtain all necessary licenses from the copyright owner or licensing agency representing the copyright owner. The licensing requirements include the playing of live, as well as recorded music, (records, tapes, compact discs, etc.) and also include music, whether it is the essence of the presentation or is only used as background, on a videotape or other presentation.

The proper license must be posted in your booth and available for inspection at the request of Show Management or properly authorized agents of ASCAP or BMI. We advise you to contact these agencies as listed below to acquire the proper licenses:

  • ASCAP Licensing Dept. / 1 Lincoln Plaza / New York, NY 10023 / Tel: 212-621-6000
  • BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) / 10 Music Square East / Nashville, TN 37203-4399 / Tel: 800-925-8451, 615-401-2000

Adherence to these federally mandated copyright licensing laws is of critical importance. Failure to do so is both a violation of federal copyright law, and a breach of your contract for exhibit space for the show.

Privately Owned Vehicles

POVs are prohibited from unloading/loading from the general public entrances. In addition, POVs are prohibited from staging on all perimeter streets.

Site Rules

Please refer to MBCC.

Telephone Services / Internet Lines

The MBCC’s exclusive provider for internet and telecommunication services is Smart City.

The MBCC offers state-of-the-art networking capabilities and high-speed internet access. All exhibit halls, meeting rooms, ballrooms, pre-function spaces are wired with CAT6 and 10GB fiber-optic. The MBCC is designed with redundancy and throughput in mind to ensure maximum uptime and the highest data transfer rates available.

Please refer here.